Annie Beth

Annie Beth
Our Baby

Monday, August 24, 2009

Checking In

LOL, Tina, wait till you get my age, I'm sorry to say your memory loss gets worse...sad but true...
Thanks for the update on your block, hey girls , how are the rest of you coming along? we've started on the last week in the month, hard to believe that summer is almost over with....

Hey I have a question for any of ya.....have you ever rooted a Whysteria plant?? and I hope I have that spelled right.
This little 'old lady rooted me one, she just broke it off and stuck it in a bucket of dirt, man she has a green thumb, it took and I set it out, boy it's pretty after 3 years, I have tried to root one a friend of mine has tried, and my nephew who graduated with a degree in agri is trying for me now, but it doesn't look to me like it is going to take hold and root.
So if ya know anything about this I would appreciate the info.

I have 2 lap quilts quilted for charity, they are out of cheaters cloth but it will work and have several more to go....I just need to get the binding cut out and take to my sister to bind....slow but getting it done.

O.K. well thats it for the night, Ya'll have a peaceful night.
Be Safe.
Hugs, Louise

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hump Day!!

Today went fairly good, after working in the house most of the day I did manage to get a lap quilt about 3/4 quilted, but was so tired I stopped, and will try to finish it tomorrow sometime, Grocery shopping is at the top of the list for tomorrow.

I bought a quilt book a few week ago and it's called "Simple Strategies For Block-Swap Quilts" by Lynn Roddy Brown, It's a very interesting book, it shows you different ways to put your blocks together that you have received from a swap.....the Scrappy 4 patch we did in 3 Sisters is in there and she showed several different ways to assemble them, her block was white where we used black.
I put some of my blocks on the design board tonight, I really like this block. I had to take a side view of it because my quilter takes up the whole room, LOL....I think I am going to finish this out to a queen size.

I will post a picture when it's finished, so many projects and so little time, Or maybe it's because I am getting older??

Well on that note Tiger Lee and I say Good Night everyone.

Be Safe.,

Hugs, Louise

Monday, August 17, 2009

Just Checking In

Hello everyone,

I'm still here and kicking my heels up, LOL...not really I don't know if I could kick them up....I'm Just checking in .....

How are you Red and White BOM swappers coming along with your swaps?? just click on the comment button below this post and leave me a message and let us know what you are doing these days....

I started quilting a lap size quilt on my mid arm and then decided I did not like the way it was looking so I have it half way ripped out, boy it's harder to rip one out that you have quilted on a machine...YIKES!!! I need help any one willing to rip-rip??

Well hopefully tomorrow or I should say today (Here) will be a better one at quilting....Well I'm out of here for the time being.....

Have a good nite

Be Safe,

Hugs, Louise

This is me, HAHAHAHA

Friday, August 7, 2009

And The Weekend Is Here!!!

And is it ever hot....Clouds form then go away, I sure hope we don't have another storm like we did a few days ago, do not want to lose the electric again.

O.K. BOM my swap partner Susan, your block will leave out in the morning , August 8th....please post when you receive it....How are you ladies coming along with your blocks?? If I can do anything or you need help just let me know....

Well I'm off to cut some fabric know I don't know how you all are but when I get a cut of fabric, I sure hate to cut it up....If it's a small piece it doesn't bother me to cut it...I'm weird I guess, LOL...

Have a good night.

Be Safe

Hugs, Louise

Monday, August 3, 2009

More on Red and White Block of the Month Swap

Hello everyone,
There is still time to sign up for the Red and White BOM Swap, You can sign up through Tuesday and your swap partner will be sent to you Wednesday the 5th.....
So far swapping we have:
Would you like to join in? if so just e-mail me:

Holly I think this block made in different colors would make a very pretty quilt and colorful too...Maybe in the future?

Have a great night everyone,
Be Safe.
Hugs, Louise