Annie Beth

Annie Beth
Our Baby

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Busy Day

I have been on the go all day and haven't gotten much done.....I did get another quilt top set together and a small one half set together, I will post pictures after they are quilted.
I hope to get more done tomorrow....
It's late and I'm headed to bed........

Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm Bootless

Yes, finally got the boot off yippeeeee, now I can move more freely........I finished the mystery quilt from my group 3 Sisters Cyber Quilting, I wanted the quilt larger than it was called for so I enlarged it.

We have been getting some much needed rain here, everything is getting green again, it's so hard to believe this year is getting close to being over with. Well this is all for tonight.....see ya soon......

Friday, August 15, 2008

Raining Cats and Dogs Outside

Thats right, hehehe...but we really needed the rain, hubby planted some of that grass that is suppose to grow anywhere even on concrete, well it doesn't seem to like our hot weather because it's not growing to well, so hopefully this rain will make it greow and get pretty.

I finally finished one of my Mystery Quilts and here it is:

It's called "Weekend Whatever # 22" and the creator of the pattern is Quiltaholics @ 2008.....

I'm really proud of this one and can't wait to get it quilted......

I go back to the Orthopedic Monday and I so pray that I will be able to take this boot off, I have been wearing it for 3 months and have to sleep in it too....It is really getting on my nerves, I'm ready to walk and not have to sit so much.....

Well thats all for now.....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Better Late Than Never

Gosh I have been sooo busy and not to mention that I broke my right foot May 18th (ouch)...... and I still went on our Quilt Retreat and considering I was in pain I still had a blast.

We made a sewing travel case, I love it and then the other girls made a coin purse but I couldn't stand anymore and cut fabric for it so I will make me one sometime.....One of the girls demoed how to do "Stack'n'Whack" I would love to learn to do it but not now and one showed us how to do the Quick Trips Quilts and that was neat.

We had show and tell and man there was some beautiful quilts there....all in all it was a fun trip and I loved the shop hop and bought lots of fabric....We think maybe we will have another Quilt Retreat in 2010, can afford to have one every year.

I will go back to the Orthopedic Doctor the 18th of August and I hope my foot has healed because 3 months in the boot and having to sleep with it on is driving me I'm praying that it has healed......

I will try to make it back in more often....