December 30, 2012
Gee I can not believe it has been 3 years since I last posted, a lot has happened in my corner since I last posted here....
I have went through a big transformation, I had 3 surgeries in one on December 20, has took 2 years for me to start feeling half way like a human...When you get older it just takes longer to get over things....
I have lost a bunch of weight and now having trouble keeping my protein level and Iron level normal, so there for I stay tired all the time.
My little Chihuahua pictured, Annie Beth passed away, we were devestated by her death, we had her since she was 5 weeks old and she lived 12 -1/2 years...she is deeply missed.
I have made a few more quilts and will try and post pictures later, My sister and I took 7 quilts to The Ronald McDonald House in Little Rock last year and had wanted to take more this year but was not able to make it....
We have had 4 deaths in our families this year, my sisters husband Jack, my cousins husband Tony, and my husbands sister Agnes and sister-in-law Juanita, such great people that has gone to be with our Lord...
O.K. enough for now, I hope you all have a Blessed and safe New Year..